The Letter progress.. Update DVSMaStA Sent January 26th, posted Febuary 7th 9:21 P.M.     Archives

Sender: Joanne M. Despres
Re: Jerrid

Dear Jerrid,

I'm afraid I can't help you with the origin of your name, since we do not do personal name etymologizing in any of our reference books and have no resources to perform the research in-house. I think, in any case, the origin of your name is unlikely to shed any light on the meaning of your dreams. As I understand it, dreams reflect a person's preoccupations, wishes, concerns, etc., and do not afford insight into facts or occurences outside the individual's psyche. Of course, some people believe in prophetic dreams, but I'm not one of them. Maybe you need to contact a mystic or expert in psychic phenomena rather than a linguist for the answers you're seeking.

Best of luck!

Sincerely yours,

Joanne M. Despres
Merriam-Webster Editorial Department

My response DVSMaStA Febuary 7th 9:21 P.M.     Archives
Dear Joanne M. Despres

Oh, I see. You can't put my name in the dictionary but you can put baily in it? Thats a name too. I'm dissapointed, I expected you to be able to help me. I guess now i'll live the rest of my days wondering why they didn't put my name in the dictionary.

Thanks for your help though. You were very kind in responding to my concerns. It sadens me that you didn't even offer to look into putting my name in the dictionary.

By the way, who do you think I am using all them big ole' words in your response? Just because you work for a company that publishes a dictionary doesn't mean that you should be allowed to use sophisticated words like that. It might make us normal people look stupid. Anway, thanks for the response.


The Letter progress.. Update DVSMaStA January 30th 5:14 P.M.     Archives
Still no sign.. I'm becoming worried. I am begining to accept the fact that my letter is being ignored or is sitting on the corner of some big, fat guys computer desk collecting crumbs of a half eaten doughnut. Perhaps the fate could be worse...

The Letter progress.. DVSMaStA January 20th 1:56 P.M.     Archives
I sent the letter about 3 days ago, and still no word on them recieveing the letter or not. I am becoming a bit worried that the main service might have lost the letter, or it might be hidden under a big pile of other letters they recieve. I guess only time will tell.

It'd be nice if they'd at least email a notice telling me they recieved it. More later, cya.

The Letter DVSMaStA 9:10 P.M. January 15th     Archives
*This will be posted late tomorrow, as I forgot a second copy of my letter.. sorry for the inconvenience*

New? DVSMaStA January 18th 5:04 P.M.     Archives
Dear Sir or Ma'am,

        I am sending this in regards to a question about the origin of a word. That word being Jerrid. I am concerned about the origin of this word, or name... as it may be. I have this funny feeling deep down that it has something to do with a cult of some sort.

        The reasoning behind this is that during some of my dreams I have these images of militaristic rule and the name "Jerrid" (or word) is wrote on different things. I was wondering if you might be able to help me figure out the meaning of these dreams by informing me of the word/name Jerrid.

        Also, I was wondering if there was a wrod Jerrid. Perhaps there is an ancient character that is (was) named Jerrid. I was also wondering if it might be possible to put the word Jerrid in your next edition of the dictionary.

        You might consider putting it under the words "Intelligent" "Elegant" "Wit" "Humorous" "Genius"   Just a thought. I figured that these words best describe me, with an emphasis on Genius.

        For quicker contact back to me, you can email me at [email protected] or just main me a response back. Its your choice. Thanks for your time, and good luck with my request(s).


Its been a few days since I mailed this, so I might be getting a response back on my email sometime, that is if the Webster people don't have too much mail concerning words and the like. If I get anything back, it will be posted. Also, I will update the progress of these request(s). Take care now, bye bye then. (haha)